In case you missed it, the latest edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary welcomed 400 new words to our digital lexicon.
Not to be outdone, the latest edition of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, America's language authority with a capital 'A', added the definitions for boomerang child, helicopter parent, robocall and bromance.
In other news: Typewritter ribbon salesmen are mourning the linguistic death of the Cassette Tape.
googlicious [goo-guhl-lish-uhs] Adjective.
1. Something which is extremely sexy, useful and thought out. Generally used in place of the words sexy, beautiful, gorgeous or amazing.
2. Describes a website which ranks high on Google searches; also describes a website whose Google search listing description is attractive to users, leading to a higher click ratio.
Rosetta Stone English Level 1-5