"You Might Be a Redneck if you think the last line to The Star Spangled Banner is Gentlemen, start your engines!" ~ Jeff Foxworthy
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wal-Mart goes GREEN?
In January 2003, for various political and economic reasons, this blogger decided to boycott shopping at Wal-Mart. Five years later, in February 2008, I walked back into a store in Beijing.
I believed corporations actually respond to the purchasing power of consumers. For example, if Americans demand more products "Made in the USA", eventually, retailers will respond by stocking more locally manufactured items. It's really not that complicated. It's simple give the people what they want economics.
CNN Money
Wal-Mart returns to 'Buy American' roots. Really?
May 12, 2011
Another case in point is Wal-Mart's recent business decision to install solar panels on 130 of its California stores by 2013:
PC Magazine
Walmart Goes Solar In California
September 23, 2011
Corporation Update: Shortly after this blogger posted the above comments, Wal-Mart announced it would cut health care benefits for some part-time workers. Read More...
*Derivative photograph of marketing montage, Wal-Mart Visitor's Center, Bentonville, Arkansas (May 2010).
*Wal-Mart Store Entrance, Beijing, PRC (February 2008)
I believed corporations actually respond to the purchasing power of consumers. For example, if Americans demand more products "Made in the USA", eventually, retailers will respond by stocking more locally manufactured items. It's really not that complicated. It's simple give the people what they want economics.
CNN Money
Wal-Mart returns to 'Buy American' roots. Really?
May 12, 2011
Another case in point is Wal-Mart's recent business decision to install solar panels on 130 of its California stores by 2013:
PC Magazine
Walmart Goes Solar In California
September 23, 2011
Corporation Update: Shortly after this blogger posted the above comments, Wal-Mart announced it would cut health care benefits for some part-time workers. Read More...
*Derivative photograph of marketing montage, Wal-Mart Visitor's Center, Bentonville, Arkansas (May 2010).
*Wal-Mart Store Entrance, Beijing, PRC (February 2008)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Happy 125th B-Day Lady Liberty!
The New Colossus
by Emma Lazarus (1883)
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Enlightening the World: The Creation of the Statue of Liberty (Hardcover)
Tea party group to Bachmann:
Quit the presidential race?
Back in July if this year, this blogger wrote:
"IF you want to sell books, land a job on FauX News, go Dancing with the Stars, earn six figures on the talk show circuit, use PAC money to finance a family BUS vacation & STAR in your own Reality TV show, RUN for President."

In a written statement issued by American Majority President Ned Ryun, he questioned the motives of Bachmann's continued run for the White House:
"In Bachmann's case, it is clear that the campaign has become less about reform and more about her personal effort to stay relevant and sell books; a harsh commentary, but true," Ryun wrote. "While other campaigns are diving into the substance, the supposed tea party candidate Bachmann is sticking to thin talking points and hanging on for dear life."
Thursday, October 27, 2011
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." ~ William Wallace
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
This week in American History?
Poor Rick Perry & Michele Bachmann. Who actually remembers the Presidential Election of 1936? Alf Landon? Or his running mate Frank Knox? The latter of which went on to serve under FDR as Secretary of the Navy during World War II, but I'll leave this feel good political story for another bipartisanship kind of day.
So, what else happened THIS WEEK? The approval rating for the U.S. Congress, the bedrock of this country's democratic principals and ideals, is now in single digits. According to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, only 9% of the American people think our representatives are actually doing a decent j-o-b. While GOP voters are still searching for a Presidential candidate to support, Congressional incumbents from both parties are wondering if they'll still have a j-o-b after the next election.
Beyond Lindsay Lohan posing nude for Playboy, the #Occupy Wall Street Movement and the ongoing trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, one story got this Blogger's attention. While it's a story which will never appear as some future newspaper sidebar highlighting this week in American History, it's a story which reminds us all, that during this specific week, the United States is still a country at war:
CBS News
Soldier in Afghanistan killed during
14th deployment
October 25, 2011
So, what else happened THIS WEEK? The approval rating for the U.S. Congress, the bedrock of this country's democratic principals and ideals, is now in single digits. According to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, only 9% of the American people think our representatives are actually doing a decent j-o-b. While GOP voters are still searching for a Presidential candidate to support, Congressional incumbents from both parties are wondering if they'll still have a j-o-b after the next election.
Beyond Lindsay Lohan posing nude for Playboy, the #Occupy Wall Street Movement and the ongoing trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, one story got this Blogger's attention. While it's a story which will never appear as some future newspaper sidebar highlighting this week in American History, it's a story which reminds us all, that during this specific week, the United States is still a country at war:
CBS News
Soldier in Afghanistan killed during
14th deployment
October 25, 2011
IUC Nurse at the bedside of Medal of Honor Recipient
Marine Corporal Jason Dunham
Marine Corporal Jason Dunham
Ibn Sina Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq
April 2004
Photos by Peter Rimar.
CBS News,
Election 2012,
Lindsay Lohan,
Medal of Honor,
Occupy Wall Street,
Rick Perry,
The New York Times,
U.S. Congress,
Weird Science?
Los Angeles Times
Climate skeptic admits he was wrong to doubt global-warming data
October 20, 2011
The world is still FLAT? The sun revolves around the EARTH? Why discover a new truth when folks are comfortable wrapping themselves in a warm blanket of rhetorical denial?
Anyhow, what distinguishes a true scientist from a political hack, as in the case of UC Berkeley physicist Richard Muller (see story above), is a REAL scientist is open to changing his views if the hard evidence no longer supports his initial hypothesis. A hack merely appeals to preconceived biases and notions to support a specific, privately funded, political agenda.
Joke of the Week:
“Earlier today, Rick Perry unveiled his new tax plan. He says he wants a flat tax. He believes that the tax should be flat, just like the Earth.” ~ Jay Leno
Backstage at the Tonight Show: From Johnny Carson to Jay Leno (Paperback)
Climate skeptic admits he was wrong to doubt global-warming data
October 20, 2011
The world is still FLAT? The sun revolves around the EARTH? Why discover a new truth when folks are comfortable wrapping themselves in a warm blanket of rhetorical denial?
Anyhow, what distinguishes a true scientist from a political hack, as in the case of UC Berkeley physicist Richard Muller (see story above), is a REAL scientist is open to changing his views if the hard evidence no longer supports his initial hypothesis. A hack merely appeals to preconceived biases and notions to support a specific, privately funded, political agenda.
Joke of the Week:
“Earlier today, Rick Perry unveiled his new tax plan. He says he wants a flat tax. He believes that the tax should be flat, just like the Earth.” ~ Jay Leno
Backstage at the Tonight Show: From Johnny Carson to Jay Leno (Paperback)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
What it is, What it was and What it shall be...
Term limits? Good luck convincing politicians in a bad economy to quit their jobs and stand in an unemployment line with the rest of humanity.
I may very well be losing my mind but I have not lost my sense of humor!
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (DVD)
I may very well be losing my mind but I have not lost my sense of humor!
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (DVD)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Google+ the NEXT generation of Blogging?
Last month, I posted a comment regarding the need for Google to fully integrate Blogger with it's new + platform. Evidently, the techno-geeks at Google have already been kicking around this idea:
PC World
Users Can Now Replace Blogger Profile With Google+ Profile
October 24, 2011
by Juan Carlos Perez
"In the first integration between the Google+ social networking site and the Blogger blog publishing platform, users will be able to replace their Blogger profiles with their Google+ profiles, the company announced on Monday."
...contrasting imagery...
Photo by Peter Rimar of an Iraqi Schoolgirl, Baghdad, Iraq (March 2005)
PC World
Users Can Now Replace Blogger Profile With Google+ Profile
October 24, 2011
by Juan Carlos Perez
"In the first integration between the Google+ social networking site and the Blogger blog publishing platform, users will be able to replace their Blogger profiles with their Google+ profiles, the company announced on Monday."
...contrasting imagery...
Photo by Peter Rimar of an Iraqi Schoolgirl, Baghdad, Iraq (March 2005)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Iraq is a Sovereign State
Despite Mitt Romney's condemnation of President's Obama decision to remove U.S. troops from Iraq before December 31st (a deadline originally negotiated by the Bush Administration), the fact remains, Iraq's economic and political future rests with it own people.
What was the original mission in the region? The search for W-M-D? Please. It was to remove Saddam Hussein from power (spelled O-I-L). It's a little late in the geopolitical game to armchair quarterback this country's inevitable withdrawal from Iraq. What part of IRAQ is NOT our country that this candidate doesn't understand?
Photo of Iraqi Soldiers training in Baghdad, Iraq (April 2005) by Peter Rimar.
What was the original mission in the region? The search for W-M-D? Please. It was to remove Saddam Hussein from power (spelled O-I-L). It's a little late in the geopolitical game to armchair quarterback this country's inevitable withdrawal from Iraq. What part of IRAQ is NOT our country that this candidate doesn't understand?
Photo of Iraqi Soldiers training in Baghdad, Iraq (April 2005) by Peter Rimar.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
USA Today
Two arrests in hit-and-run death of Chinese toddler
Will this security camera video footage of a toddler left for dead
actually change China? Doubtful. However, considering the CCP filters and controls the internet, beyond the painfully, gut-wrenching nature of the story itself, it's curious that the leaders in Beijing have allowed this tragedy to be part of a much broader, national debate;
Warning: This video contains extremely graphic images of the girl's injuries:
Two arrests in hit-and-run death of Chinese toddler
Will this security camera video footage of a toddler left for dead
actually change China? Doubtful. However, considering the CCP filters and controls the internet, beyond the painfully, gut-wrenching nature of the story itself, it's curious that the leaders in Beijing have allowed this tragedy to be part of a much broader, national debate;
Warning: This video contains extremely graphic images of the girl's injuries:
Friday, October 21, 2011
Rick Perry's New Campaign Slogan?
"Please STOP touching me!"
Another brick in the wall?
Another brick in the wall?
Bricks on the Great Wall of China
March 2008
Badaling, PRC
Dragon Rising: An Inside Look at China Today (Hardcover)Breaking News: Moammar Gadhafi is Dead.
On CNN, the death of the former Libyan leader is the top news story. Wolf Blitzer just interviewed the Libyan Ambassador to the U.S. on his country's political future. On Faux News? Immigration Reform. See previous post for this blogger's military analysis regarding NATO's original No-Fly Zone mission over Libya.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
#Occupy Wall Street ~ Sgt. Shamar Thomas
When the movement itself began in New York City, two things immediately got my attention. First, I was amazed. Why did it take so long for folks to finally wake up and start voicing their outrage at the political and economic corruption eating away at our country. Second, but more importantly, I was alarmed at the extremely heavy handed response local officials have taken against the protesters:
Whether or not I agree with any or all of the issues being voiced by #Occupy is not important. When the police employed violence to suppress freedom of speech, I became an active supporter of the movement.
Whether or not I agree with any or all of the issues being voiced by #Occupy is not important. When the police employed violence to suppress freedom of speech, I became an active supporter of the movement.
Trinity Site
October 2009
White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
What is important?
If you're a Ron Paul supporter, stop reading this post. Once again, if you plan to vote for Texas Congressman Ron Paul for President in 2012, stop reading this post. Why? Well, no matter what I write regarding his position on FEMA, I understand there's little chance I'll change a single Libertarian mind.
Ron Paul is NOT a Republican. Ron Paul is a repackaged Libertarian. On the issue of FEMA, Ron Paul is an idiot. Period. No one can control the power of Mother Nature. Not even the so-called Free Market.
Since 9-11, this country has spent over $1,300,000,000 to fund two wars of occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq. This dollar amount does not include the Department of Defense or Homeland Security's yearly budgets.
Yes, I realize that Ron Paul has been a vocal advocate against these specific military operations. But the fact remains, at some point, this country needs to pay the bill for these wars.
If a husband goes on a $10,000 shopping spree with the family credit card, the wife is equally responsible for paying off the bill. The credit card companies don't care which spouse spent the money, as long as the bill gets paid.
Once again, no one can control Mother Nature. Drought and wild fires hit Texas and New Mexico. Tornadoes strike Missouri and Oklahoma. Hurricanes come ashore in Florida and Louisiana. Earthquakes shake California. This year, flooding washed away communities in Vermont and North Dakota. It's not complicated. IF it's important, people find the time, energy and money to do IT (i.e. whatever IT is). Helping fellow Americans during times of need will ALWAYS be important to this blogger. IF that means paying higher taxes to fund FEMA, so be it. If that means paying higher taxes to FINALLY pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so be it.
In terms of helping Americans impacted by natural disasters, Vermont Senator Bernard Sanders put it best, "to say that the only way you can come up with funding to rebuild devastated communities is to cut back on other desperately needed programs is totally absurd. Historically in this country we have understood that when communities and states experience disasters, we as a nation come together to address those. That is what being a nation is about."
Sadly, people will believe want they want to believe about anyone or anything. Over the years, I've learned to display a lot more patience with individuals who are ignorant rather than stupid. Ignorance can be fixed. The roots of stupidity are deeply embedded in 'Pride and Prejudice'. The latter of which is nearly impossible to overcome or change.
Ron Paul would NOT have ordered the Bin Laden Raid?
While the use of military force to achieve a political objective opens the door to other unforeseen consequences, in the case of ordering the raid into Pakistan, President Obama made the right decision. Period. If President Obama had choosen a different course of action and Osama Bin Laden had escaped, the GOP would have had a non-stop media driven field day attacking this President. The following radio interview with the candidate was recorded on May 10, 2011.
Photo of Door Gunner somewhere over Iraq (April 2005).
YMCA photo of Peter's Grandmother (Back Row, 3rd from Right), Concord State Teachers College, Athens, West Virginia (Circa 1934).
How Americans Can Buy American:
The Power of Consumer Patriotism - Third Edition
Ron Paul is NOT a Republican. Ron Paul is a repackaged Libertarian. On the issue of FEMA, Ron Paul is an idiot. Period. No one can control the power of Mother Nature. Not even the so-called Free Market.
Since 9-11, this country has spent over $1,300,000,000 to fund two wars of occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq. This dollar amount does not include the Department of Defense or Homeland Security's yearly budgets.
Yes, I realize that Ron Paul has been a vocal advocate against these specific military operations. But the fact remains, at some point, this country needs to pay the bill for these wars.
If a husband goes on a $10,000 shopping spree with the family credit card, the wife is equally responsible for paying off the bill. The credit card companies don't care which spouse spent the money, as long as the bill gets paid.
Once again, no one can control Mother Nature. Drought and wild fires hit Texas and New Mexico. Tornadoes strike Missouri and Oklahoma. Hurricanes come ashore in Florida and Louisiana. Earthquakes shake California. This year, flooding washed away communities in Vermont and North Dakota. It's not complicated. IF it's important, people find the time, energy and money to do IT (i.e. whatever IT is). Helping fellow Americans during times of need will ALWAYS be important to this blogger. IF that means paying higher taxes to fund FEMA, so be it. If that means paying higher taxes to FINALLY pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so be it.
In terms of helping Americans impacted by natural disasters, Vermont Senator Bernard Sanders put it best, "to say that the only way you can come up with funding to rebuild devastated communities is to cut back on other desperately needed programs is totally absurd. Historically in this country we have understood that when communities and states experience disasters, we as a nation come together to address those. That is what being a nation is about."
Sadly, people will believe want they want to believe about anyone or anything. Over the years, I've learned to display a lot more patience with individuals who are ignorant rather than stupid. Ignorance can be fixed. The roots of stupidity are deeply embedded in 'Pride and Prejudice'. The latter of which is nearly impossible to overcome or change.
Ron Paul would NOT have ordered the Bin Laden Raid?
While the use of military force to achieve a political objective opens the door to other unforeseen consequences, in the case of ordering the raid into Pakistan, President Obama made the right decision. Period. If President Obama had choosen a different course of action and Osama Bin Laden had escaped, the GOP would have had a non-stop media driven field day attacking this President. The following radio interview with the candidate was recorded on May 10, 2011.
Photo of Door Gunner somewhere over Iraq (April 2005).
YMCA photo of Peter's Grandmother (Back Row, 3rd from Right), Concord State Teachers College, Athens, West Virginia (Circa 1934).
How Americans Can Buy American:
The Power of Consumer Patriotism - Third Edition
Monday, October 17, 2011
Anything you WRITE, LINK, LIKE or UPLOAD on Facebook or Twitter CAN & WILL be used against you in a court of law?
While I know it's a bit early, I've been contemplating my New Year's Resolution for 2012. On January 1st, this blogger will ATTEMPT to start speaking out of BOTH sides of my mouth along with releasing volumes of frivolous HOT AIR from the lower UNMENTIONABLE reaches of my body.
The Los Angeles Times
Alabama teacher allegedly mocks
special-ed students on Facebook
(October 17, 2011)
"If at first you don't succeed..."
The Los Angeles Times
Alabama teacher allegedly mocks
special-ed students on Facebook
(October 17, 2011)
"If at first you don't succeed..."
Jakarta, Indonesian (July 2009)
The Meaning of Life (DVD)Sunday, October 16, 2011
Mission Complete?
It appears the Obama Administration has decided to pull out the last combat brigade from Iraq on or near the original December 31st deadline. IF true, this country is preparing to close another important chapter in its history. It still may take another generation of economists to calculate the final human cost of this 7 plus year war and military occupation. At the end of the day, it will be the Iraqi people themselves who hold the keys to rebuilding their own destiny. Read More...
"No man should escape our universities without knowing how little he knows." ~ Robert Oppenheimer
Farmers at School
Somewhere Near Balad Air Base
April 2005
"No man should escape our universities without knowing how little he knows." ~ Robert Oppenheimer
Saturday, October 15, 2011
#Occupy Grand Forks
Pillsbury Park
October 15th, 2011
Wall Street Journal
Income Slides to 1996 Levels?
"The income of a household considered to be at the statistical middle fell 2.3% to an inflation-adjusted $49,445 in 2010, which is 7.1% below its 1999 peak, the Census Bureau said."
Grand Forks Residents Create Movement
for "Occupy Wall Street"
Subliminal Message?
Dancing with the Candidates?
Despite six long weeks on the campaign trail, three mediocre debates, early Koch Brothers support along with raising over 17 million dollars in cash donations, at this point in the "GOP Flavor of the Month" lottery, Chaz Bono has a better chance at being elected President than Governor Rick Perry.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
#Occupy North Dakota
First Amendment to the United States Constitution
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
“The Tea Party is very different. The Tea Party were individuals that were attempting to redress their grievances from the government that they elected. It’s not pitting one part of our country against another.”
~ House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
Bob, the man in the following video, attended a Tea Party Rally in Columbus, Ohio in 2010. He is 60 years old and was first diagnosed with Parkinsons 15 years ago. He has two masters degrees and a Ph.D. from Cornell. He taught at the University of Michigan and worked as a nuclear engineer:
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” ~ Sinclair Lewis
Note to Reader: Judging this blogger's political views based on this specific POST is like reading a single page in the middle of a book. For the record, I'm an Independent. I believe the two-party system no longer serves the interests of a vast majority of Americans. Indeed, in my view, a candidate's political affiliation and party should be left off an election ballot.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
“The Tea Party is very different. The Tea Party were individuals that were attempting to redress their grievances from the government that they elected. It’s not pitting one part of our country against another.”
~ House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
Bob, the man in the following video, attended a Tea Party Rally in Columbus, Ohio in 2010. He is 60 years old and was first diagnosed with Parkinsons 15 years ago. He has two masters degrees and a Ph.D. from Cornell. He taught at the University of Michigan and worked as a nuclear engineer:
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” ~ Sinclair Lewis
Note to Reader: Judging this blogger's political views based on this specific POST is like reading a single page in the middle of a book. For the record, I'm an Independent. I believe the two-party system no longer serves the interests of a vast majority of Americans. Indeed, in my view, a candidate's political affiliation and party should be left off an election ballot.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
"Whatever we are involved in, whether it's politics, education, medicine, law, engineering, science, business or industry, the nature of our motivation determines the character of our work." ~ Dalai Lama
via Google+
Monday, October 10, 2011
Political Food for Thought?
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
analogy [uh-nal-uh-jee]
War is like smoking. It may feel good when you start but eventually your body pays the price. ~ Peter Rimar
#Occupy Wall Street ~ Day 18
"I'd rather be a comma then a full stop."
~ Coldplay (from Every Teardrop is a Waterfall)
V for Vendetta Mask
Geiger counter with a pack of Marlboro Cigarettes at
the Manhattan Project's original Ground Zero
Trinity Site, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico (October 2009)
#Occupy Wall Street ~ Day 18
"I'd rather be a comma then a full stop."
~ Coldplay (from Every Teardrop is a Waterfall)
V for Vendetta Mask
Friday, October 7, 2011
Another Milestone ~ 10 Years at War
"We're here so that Afghanistan does not once again become a sanctuary for transnational extremists the way it was when al-Qaeda planned the 9/11 attacks in the Kandahar area, conducted the initial training for the attackers in training camps in Afghanistan before they moved on to Germany and then to U.S. flight schools." ~ David Petraeus
Pew Research Center
War and Sacrifice in the Post-9/11 Era
The Military-Civilian Gap (Released: October 5, 2011)
United in Remembrance, Divided over Policies
Ten Years after 9/11 (Released: September 1, 2011)
Afghan Boy in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan (June 2003). Photo by Peter Rimar.
Afghanistan 101 (Hardcover)
Early Civilization History Books)
Election Update: Buddy Roemer, the only GOP candidate who has made corruption in Washington the centerpiece of his presidential campaign, has been locked out of yet another televised debate:
Pew Research Center
War and Sacrifice in the Post-9/11 Era
The Military-Civilian Gap (Released: October 5, 2011)
United in Remembrance, Divided over Policies
Ten Years after 9/11 (Released: September 1, 2011)
Afghan Boy in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan (June 2003). Photo by Peter Rimar.
Afghanistan 101 (Hardcover)
Election Update: Buddy Roemer, the only GOP candidate who has made corruption in Washington the centerpiece of his presidential campaign, has been locked out of yet another televised debate:
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The American Worker?
Photo by Peter Rimar, East Grand Forks, Minnesota (October 5, 2011).
Why Unions Matter (Paperback)
Politics Books)
Herman Cain for President in 2012?
Up until today, beyond some soft humor about the candidate, I've refrained from writing anything serious about his candidacy. Indeed, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt regarding his views on the issues. This specific quote changed everything for this blogger:
"Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself." ~ Herman Cain
This man is NOT ready to be President.
When asked the same question by the Joint Economic Committee, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was able to wrap his head around the frustration being expressed by the Occupy Wall Street Movement:
“They blame, with some justification, the problems in the financial sector for getting us into this mess, and they’re dissatisfied with the policy response here in Washington. And at some level, I can’t blame them.”
~ Ben Bernanke
Let's just pretend the whole 2008 Wall Street Meltdown didn't happen. When members of the Tea Party protested against the Wall Street Bailout they were anointed as Patriots. And now, with corporations making record profits and NOT reinvesting anything back into the American economy, all of a sudden, the protesters in New York City are so-called "anti-capitalists"? Talk about political double-speak.
Even if Mr. Cain politically disagrees with the protesters, at the very least, the candidate should have acknowledged and supported the "right to peaceably assemble" protected by the First Amendment.
Hermanator Update:
(October 9,2011)
The GOP's latest Flavor of the Month is already feeling the heat for his remarks regarding the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Additionally, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is suffering from yet another case of foot-in-mouth disease. Read More...
The Candidate's Final Chapter?
(December 3, 2011)
This message was written by this blogger for Mr. Herman Cain:

Don't blame the media, don't blame dirty politics, if you don't make money after running for President, blame the fact that you were caught "looking for love in all the wrong places".
Why Unions Matter (Paperback)
Herman Cain for President in 2012?
Up until today, beyond some soft humor about the candidate, I've refrained from writing anything serious about his candidacy. Indeed, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt regarding his views on the issues. This specific quote changed everything for this blogger:
"Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself." ~ Herman Cain
This man is NOT ready to be President.
When asked the same question by the Joint Economic Committee, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was able to wrap his head around the frustration being expressed by the Occupy Wall Street Movement:
“They blame, with some justification, the problems in the financial sector for getting us into this mess, and they’re dissatisfied with the policy response here in Washington. And at some level, I can’t blame them.”
~ Ben Bernanke
Let's just pretend the whole 2008 Wall Street Meltdown didn't happen. When members of the Tea Party protested against the Wall Street Bailout they were anointed as Patriots. And now, with corporations making record profits and NOT reinvesting anything back into the American economy, all of a sudden, the protesters in New York City are so-called "anti-capitalists"? Talk about political double-speak.
Even if Mr. Cain politically disagrees with the protesters, at the very least, the candidate should have acknowledged and supported the "right to peaceably assemble" protected by the First Amendment.
Hermanator Update:
(October 9,2011)
The GOP's latest Flavor of the Month is already feeling the heat for his remarks regarding the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Additionally, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is suffering from yet another case of foot-in-mouth disease. Read More...
The Candidate's Final Chapter?
(December 3, 2011)
This message was written by this blogger for Mr. Herman Cain:

Don't blame the media, don't blame dirty politics, if you don't make money after running for President, blame the fact that you were caught "looking for love in all the wrong places".
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