Thursday, November 24, 2011

Vintage Photos from a Family Album

Thomas A. Worrall (seated right) on a business trip to Shanghai, China (Circa October 1926)

Two important world events shaped the destiny of the Rimar Family. Shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Thomas Worrall helped smuggle Peter's grandfather and great-grandmother out of Russia. After leaving Russia, he married my great-grandmother. Later, sometime during the short period before the Nazis crossed the border into France (April 1940), he relocated the Rimar family out of Europe.
"The Hall of Supreme Harmony" 太和殿
Original photograph taken by Thomas A. Worrall
(Peter's Step- Great Grandfather)
Circa October 1926
The Forbidden City, Beijing (Peking), China

French Army
Medical Evacuation Exercise
Circa 1935
Original Vintage Photo by Eugene Rimar
(My Grandfather)

What if F.D.R. wasn't elected President? It's amazing how certain moments in history impact the destiny of the common man. In the summer of 1934, Peter's Grandfather (George Mullenix) traveled to Panther, West Virgina as a member of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). It was during this period that he met and eventually married a young college student named Darcus Bailey (my grandmother).